Buttonhead children fashion Collection

All about Children Fashion Collection

We, our, really means me, my or I, so when we is written, you can be sure that these few paragraphs are just discussing me.

We do not claim to be supporting several dozen animal rights and welfare groups or providing any percentage of sales or profits to an ever increasing number of humanitarian organizations.

We do not even claim that the products for sale on this website are the cheapest or the best quality. That is up to you to decide – and we think you will be pleasantly surprised.

And finally, we do not claim immunity to providing product value for money due to being some great friend of the environment.

What we are doing though, is providing products for sale to the public in the most direct way possible so that the people of my home country, in the districts where I once wandered as a child, are able to receive so much more for the long hard hours that they work, providing for the world.

Our goal is to pay all our bills and have enough left over to be comfortable – the rest belongs to the families that work endless hours to survive.

Who do you think is right – the name brand that leaves your wallet or purse bruised and dictates what level of poverty the workers will have to survive – or – the Government departments that enforce the last statement in the name of commercial enterprise protection?

Not a trick question!

Anyway, contact us anytime if you have a suggestion which could improve our operation or even if you have some particular item you would to purchase – we may be able to have it made in some sort of quantity and others may like it too.
